Tri-Valley SELPA Event Calendar Trainings

2024-2025 DCN Trainings hosted by the Tri-Valley SELPA

These events are presented by Diagnostic Center, Northern CA and hosted by the Tri-Valley SELPA. The Zoom link will be sent to the emails of those who register a few days before the event. Click on the button below to learn more about the trainings and to register.

Questions? Contact Andrea McDermott at the Tri-Valley SELPA office.

2024 Nominations for the Make A Difference Awards

The “Make a Difference” Awards were established to celebrate the special education youth throughout our community and provide an opportunity for families to acknowledge individuals who have gone “above and beyond” to make a difference in the life of their special child.

All submissions, meeting the criteria below, will receive an award and you and your family will have an opportunity to see your special person accept the award!  “Make a Difference” Awards ceremony will be held Thursday, May 16, 2024 at the Dublin High School; Student Union from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Water and light snacks will be served.

***SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE FRIDAY, April 26, 2024***


Award recipients can be an individual from the student’s school, or a group (all classroom aides) public agency, public social service provider, or other community member who has helped, motivated, encouraged, and/or supported the student and had a significant impact in the student’s life. Students must currently receive special education services from one of the member districts of the Tri- Valley SELPA (ACOE, Dublin, Livermore, Mountain House, Pleasanton, Sunol Glen). Please, no staff to staff nominations. Submissions are limited to no more than two per family.

2024 Candidaturas a los Premios Marca la Diferencia

Los premios “Marca la diferencia” se crearon para celebrar a los jóvenes de educación especial de nuestra comunidad y ofrecer a las familias la oportunidad de reconocer a las personas que han ido “más allá” para marcar la diferencia en la vida de su hijo especial.

Todas las presentaciones que cumplan los criterios que se indican a continuación recibirán un premio y usted y su familia tendrán la oportunidad de ver a su persona especial aceptar el premio. La ceremonia de entrega de premios “Make a Difference” se llevará a cabo el jueves 16 de mayo de 2024 en la Dublin High School; Student Union de 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Se servirá agua y bocadillos ligeros.

***las submisiones deben enviarse antes del viernes 26 de abril de 2024***


Los galardonados pueden ser una persona de la escuela del estudiante, o un grupo (todos los ayudantes de clase) agencia pública, proveedor de servicios sociales públicos, u otro miembro de la comunidad que ha ayudado, motivado, alentado y / o apoyado al estudiante y tuvo un impacto significativo en la vida del estudiante. Los estudiantes deben recibir actualmente los servicios de educación especial de uno de los distritos miembros de la Tri- Valley SELPA (ACOE, Dublín, Livermore, Mountain House, Pleasanton, Sunol Glen). Por favor, no nominaciones de personal a personal. Las presentaciones se limitan a no más de dos por familia.

Upcoming Special Olympics Events




Elementary: Thursday, April 18th, 2024

Secondary: Thursday, April 25th, 2024

Location: Livermore High School, 600 Maple St., Livermore, CA 94550

Check In – 9AM

Opening Ceremony – 9:30AM

Event Ends – 12PM


Click on the flier to the left to register for these events!


Past Special Olympics Events




Elementary: Thursday, November 9th, 2023

Secondary: Thursday, November 16th, 2023

Location: Foothill High School, 4375 Foothill Rd., Pleasanton, CA 94588

Skills Stations Open – 8:30AM

Opening Ceremony – 9AM

Event Ends – 12PM


Click on the flier to the left to register for these events!

Registration closes FRIDAY OCTOBER 27th!!!

Golden Village Family Conference
“Empower, Support, Inspire”

DATE: May 13, 2023
TIME: 8:45AM-3:00PM
LOCATION: Ed Roberts Campus
3075 Adeline Street, Suite 105
Berkeley, CA 94703
(Above Ashby BART Station)

Keynote Speaker: Ms. Anna Wang
Co-founder of Friends of Children with Special Needs (FCSN)

Join us in building a Golden Village to nurture our precious children and find support together. This free conference will offer topics about a child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP), community resources and support, cultural entertainment during lunch time, and a free backpack for children and youth age 3-21.

* Cantonese, Korean, and Vietnamese interpretation will be provided.

All are welcome! Workshop sessions are designed for Cantonese, Korean, and Vietnamese speaking families with special education children ages 3-21. Session topics will help Asian families learn and understand more about their child’s special education program and related services.

  • Free! No cost. Light breakfast and boxed lunch is included.
  • Registration includes yourself and one adult, if you choose to bring a family member. If you bring an adult guest, checkbox “My Guest” and complete their information in Eventbrite.
  • Two sessions will be offered. Choose one presentation from each session.

Please Note: There is no childcare at the conference.
*Childcare stipend will be offered with advance registration.


More FAQs on Digital Tech Parental Controls

This workshop will be focused on the technology part of managing our children’s use of digital technology. This is an opportunity for parents to ask questions and get step-by-step guidance on setting up basic parental controls. We will cover some of the most common parental concerns, such as: blocking access to inappropriate content (including pop-up ads) and restricting time on technology use and social media. What are the options available today for creating and maintaining parental controls?

Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Time: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Where: on Zoom

Presented by: Yogesh Verma, AAC and AT Specialist, Sped Tech Solutions

Zoom login details for virtual sessions will be sent to registered participants via e-mail and/or Eventbrite. You will not receive the Zoom link if you do not register and if you did not input your contact information correctly. Please carefully check your registration details prior to signing up. Please check your e-mail thoroughly for any missed e-mails from the SELPA and/or Eventbrite. Please contact the SELPA office if you have not received the Zoom link by the morning of the event.

Questions? Contact Andrea McDermott, Executive Secretary at Tri-Valley SELPA

email: phone: 925-426-9144

Plugged In Parents:
Cyberbullying and Digital Drama

Kids can be mean to each other — sometimes on purpose or by accident. It’s a natural phase of child development. And technology only makes being mean easier. As parents, how do we keep kids safe, happy, and healthy in the digital age?

Date: Thurs, May 11, 2023

Time: 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Where: on Zoom

Zoom login details for virtual sessions will be sent to registered participants via e-mail and/or Eventbrite. You will not receive the Zoom link if you do not register and if you did not input your contact information correctly. Please carefully check your registration details prior to signing up. Please check your e-mail thoroughly for any missed e-mails from the SELPA and/or Eventbrite. Please contact the SELPA office if you have not received the Zoom link by the morning of the event.

Questions? Contact Andrea McDermott, Executive Secretary at Tri-Valley SELPA

email: phone: 925-426-9144

FAQs on Digital Tech Parental Controls

This workshop will be focused on the technology part of managing our children’s use of digital technology. This is an opportunity for parents to ask questions and get step-by-step guidance on setting up basic parental controls. We will cover some of the most common parental concerns, such as: blocking access to inappropriate content (including pop-up ads) and restricting time on technology use and social media. What are the options available today for creating and maintaining parental controls?

Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Time: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Where: on Zoom

Presented by: Yogesh Verma, AAC and AT Specialist, Sped Tech Solutions

Zoom login details for virtual sessions will be sent to registered participants via e-mail and/or Eventbrite. You will not receive the Zoom link if you do not register and if you did not input your contact information correctly. Please carefully check your registration details prior to signing up. Please check your e-mail thoroughly for any missed e-mails from the SELPA and/or Eventbrite. Please contact the SELPA office if you have not received the Zoom link by the morning of the event.

Questions? Contact Andrea McDermott, Executive Secretary at Tri-Valley SELPA

email: phone: 925-426-9144

Plugged In Parents:
Social Media, Gaming, and Mental Health

Discuss and explore what is happening with teen mental health. We will cover brain development, warning signs of potential mental health struggles, and how to use media positively with your teen.

Date: Thurs, April 20, 2023

Time: 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Where: on Zoom

Zoom login details for virtual sessions will be sent to registered participants via e-mail and/or Eventbrite. You will not receive the Zoom link if you do not register and if you did not input your contact information correctly. Please carefully check your registration details prior to signing up. Please check your e-mail thoroughly for any missed e-mails from the SELPA and/or Eventbrite. Please contact the SELPA office if you have not received the Zoom link by the morning of the event.

Questions? Contact Andrea McDermott, Executive Secretary at Tri-Valley SELPA

email: phone: 925-426-9144


Dear Families, 

We are excited to announce the return of our Autism Forum on Thursday, April 20th at  Cisco’s Headquarters in San Jose, CA.  This is a free event and attendees will have an opportunity to meet our vendors at 10:00 AM and enjoy a complimentary lunch at 11:00 AM before our forum begins.  For those joining us virtually, we will live stream directly from our Joshua’s Gift YouTube Channel starting at 12:00 pm PDT. 

We hope you will join us to hear our panel of experts and families address some powerful and insightful topics such as:
● How Law Enforcement manages emergency situations involving an autistic person?
● What is Code Joshua training, and how is it helping save the lives of people living with autism
● What is a Special Needs Trust?
● Who is autism affecting?
● Why is it considered an epidemic?
● What can we do about it?

The panel will consist of parents from Cisco’s Special Children’s Community, Non Cisco families living with autism, experts from the medical field, law enforcement, the Regional Centers, the State Council on Developmental Disability, and a Hollywood Producer working with adults in the autism community. We will lead a discussion about the realities parents face daily while raising a child with autism, and we will discuss the unpredictable behaviors, the extraordinary costs, the unspeakable joys, and the bottomless heartaches.

Please register at to attend in person or to watch our live stream on Joshua’s Gift YouTube Channel starting at 12 noon PDT. You can view all the event details here:

Beaches Resort is also partnering with Joshua’s Gift at the forum to give away an All Inclusive vacation for a family of 4 to any of their locations in the Caribbean.  You must be a parent to a child on the autism spectrum in order to qualify to win.  Your names will be entered into a drawing, but you must be in attendance or watching virtually in order to win.    


“Beaches Resorts is home to the Caribbean’s first autism-friendly kids camp and is the first resort company in the world to complete the rigorous IBCCES (International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards) and Autism Certification, representing the gold standard in global cognitive disorder training and certification.”

Once again, we look forward to seeing you there


Mizpah and Kerry Rich
Joshua’s Gift, Inc.

Special Olympics Bowling League


We would like to invite you to join our Transition Grades Sports League. 


This year we will be offering Bowling as an opportunity!


Dates of Competition: 4/14, 4/21, 5/5, & 5/12



Where: Dublin Bowling Alley

6750 Regional St., Dublin, CA 94568



When: 10AM start time

Plugged In Parents:
Parenting in a Digital Age
(For Parents of Students Ages K-8)

How do we use media in balance as a family, find quality content, set expectations around healthy use to prevent conflict, and raise media-savvy consumers and creators?

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2023

Time: 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Where: on Zoom

Zoom login details for virtual sessions will be sent to registered participants via e-mail and/or Eventbrite. You will not receive the Zoom link if you do not register and if you did not input your contact information correctly. Please carefully check your registration details prior to signing up. Please check your e-mail thoroughly for any missed e-mails from the SELPA and/or Eventbrite.

Questions? Contact Andrea McDermott , Executive Secretary at Tri-Valley SELPA


phone: 925-426-9144

Special Olympics Young Athletes

Sunday, March 12th; 1-2pm
Join Special Olympics Northern California and Spirited
Play Labs for a fun & inclusive activity session!

This FREE program will introduce children with and
without intellectual disabilities ages 2-7 to the world of
sports and movement!

• Inclusive activities support cognitive, social, and
motor skill development (passing a ball, walking on
a floor level balance beam, etc.).
• No experience necessary and ALL children are
welcome, including siblings!

Where: Spirited Play Labs (2220 Camino Ramon)
When: Sunday, March 12th; 1-3pm
Session 1: 1-2pm (ages 2-4)
Session 2: 2-3pm (ages 5-7)

Register at

2023 Alameda County Transition Fair (IN-PERSON)

We are excited to be back IN PERSON for the annual Alameda County
Transition Fair on Saturday, March 25
th at the College of Alameda. It’s never too soon to learn about the transition process and options available to young adults! 

This conference and resource fair is for students with intellectual/developmental disabilities and their families, teachers, case managers, service providers, and others working in support of our youth with disabilities. All are welcome! 

Workshops will include:

  • Transition process in Special Education
  • Preparing for future education, employment, and adult living 
  • Understanding supports available through Regional Center and Department of Rehabilitation and other agencies. 
  • Moving towards independence

New this year: 

  • Workshop for youth/young adults, a roundtable focused on a discussion around healthy relationships, social connections & sexuality

This is a great opportunity for youth, parents, and others to meet and learn from and with each other!


We encourage testing before the event. Masking is strongly recommended.

Feria de Transición del Condado de Alameda 2023 (EN PERSONA)

Estamos emocionados de estar de vuelta EN PERSONA para la Feria Anual de Transición del Condado de Alameda el sábado 25 de marzo en el College of Alameda. ¡Nunca es demasiado pronto para aprender sobre el proceso de transición y las opciones disponibles para los adultos jóvenes!

Esta conferencia y feria de recursos es para estudiantes con discapacidades intelectuales / del desarrollo y sus familias, maestros, administradores de casos, proveedores de servicios y otras personas que trabajan apoyando a nuestros jóvenes con discapacidades. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! 

Los talleres incluirán:

  • Proceso de transición en Educación Especial
  • Preparación para la educación en el futuro, el empleo y la vida adulta
  • Comprender los apoyos disponibles a través del Centro Regional y el Departamento de Rehabilitación y otras agencias
  • Hacia la independencia

Novedad este año:

  • Taller para jóvenes / adultos jóvenes, una mesa redonda centrada en una discusión sobre relaciones saludables, conexiones sociales y sexualidad

¡Esta es una gran oportunidad para que los jóvenes, los padres y otras personas se conozcan y aprendan unos de otros!

Les animamos a hacerse la prueba de COVID antes del evento. Se recomienda encarecidamente el uso de máscara



日期:2023 年3 月25 月


地奌: 阿拉米达学院
















3P's For Parents; Intersectional Identities and the Impact of Stress


Building on the Human Function Curve framework. Participants will explore the ways in which stress compounds and stores in the nervous system, especially for caregivers. The 3 Ps training facilitates reflection exploring the intersection of our personalprofessional, and provider responsibilities and culminates in a scaffolded stress management work burst.



Intended Audience: Parents

Date: Thursday Mar 23, 2023

Time: 6PM – 7PM

Where: Virtual via Zoom

December 2022 Special Olympics Basketball Events

Sensory Storytime
at the Livermore Public Library

This fall the Livermore Public Library is hosting a free monthly Sensory Storytime designed for children with special needs. It is a welcoming, interactive, sensory-friendly environment that includes visuals, preschool-level stories, and hands-on fun!

FREE for children and caregivers.
Siblings Welcome.
Call 925-373-5505 to sign up.

Contact Librarian Tierney at with any questions or concerns.

When: First Thursday of the month 11am – 1:00pm

Where: Lake Merrit Park – Oakland, CA

Description: FRN invites the Arab moms with special needs kids to join us the first Thursday of the month. We’ll share information on topics of interest to you and look forward to you sharing your experiences. 

You are not alone. We are here to support you. 

Free Babysitter is Available. Henna and Halal Food. 

Don’t forget to RSVP with Mayyadah – Text or Call 510-759-1004


“S.A.F.E.T.Y. N.E.T.” Student/Family Event Save the Date

Saturday, October 1, 2022, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Student And Family Emergency Training for Youth with Neurodivergence, Experienced through Tactile


Pleasanton Unified School District, outdoor parking lot

4665 Bernal Ave, Pleasanton, CA 94566

Event Contact:

Caroline Doidge

Working Positively with Your Child’s IEP Team and Knowing the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Continuum – Presented by Elaine H Talley

This workshop will cover:

  •  overview of the IEP process
  • sources of conflict in special education
  • options for resolving conflict using alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
  • questions and answers on ADR in special education
The intended audience for this workshop:
  •  parents
  • teachers
  • administrators

When: Thursday Sept. 29, 2022 from 5:00-6:00PM

Where: On Zoom – register below to receive the link

Parents & Educators — In It Together: Walking the IEP Journey as Partners

Padres y Educadores — Juntos en esto: Recorriendo el Camino del IEP Como Socios  

The East Valley SELPA is hosting a two-day virtual event for parents and educators focused on enhancing the long-term relationship we share and promoting success for children with disabilities. Join us to learn about the IEP journey as we hear from experts in the field addressing how to build skills to support one another, build trust, and center positive relationships on student needs. There will be opportunities for live interactions with experts as well as invaluable resources available. 


El East Valley SELPA está orgnizando un evento virtual de dos días para padres y educadores centrados en mejorar la relación a largo plazo que compartimos y promover el éxito de los niños con discapacidades. Únase a nosotros para aprender sobre el viaje del IEP mientras escuchamos a expertos en el campo que abordan cómo desarrollar habilidades para apoyarse mutualmente, generar confianza y centrar las relaciones positivas en las necesidades de los estudiantes. Habrá oportunidades para interacciones en vivo con expertos, así como recursos invaluables disponibles. 

** There is no Cost Associated with this Event **

** No hay costo asociado con este evento ** 

Date: September 16th and September 17th, 2022 ( Friday & Saturday)
Fecha: 16 y 17 de septiembre de 2022 
Time: 9:30 AM- 12:00 PM

988: Initiating Transformation for Student Wellness Webinar

Date: August 3, 2022
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 PM

Join The California Department of Education, Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services, and The California Alliance of Child and Family Services for a focused conversation about the implementation of 988, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Sun’s Out Fun’s Out

Fun Run in Pleasanton, CA
June 18, 2022 

Alameda County Fairgrounds 

The Alameda County Fair presents the Sun’s OUT Fun’s OUT Fun Run on June 18, 2022 in Pleasanton, CA. Open to athletes of all ages and abilities and benefiting Sunflower Hill, the Fun Run features a run or walk around the historic Race Track and through the Fair with fun stops along the way!


Legislative Sharing Day

May 4th, 2022, 9:00 AM-11:00 AM

Legislative Sharing Day provides participants with the

opportunity to advocate for improved outcomes for individuals with disabilities. We hope that you will join us.

Staff Professional Development Trainings

The Tri-Valley SELPA hosts a variety of professional development events open to staff working in our member districts.  These trainings are also available at no cost to staff of private schools located within our district boundaries.  To sign up to attend a Tri-Valley SELPA training please follow the directions on the flyers.  If there are no directions, please contact the special education department in your district, or the SELPA office.

Differentiating SLI and Dyslexia through Collaborative Assessment

April 15, 2022 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Learning Outcomes:

~ Attendees will have a practice-ready PSW model on how to organize, interpret data from all school-based service providers. Report writing templates will be shared.

~ Attendees will reach a consensus on the distinctive definitions of dyslexia and language impairment within the context of the Simple View of Reading (SVR). 

~ Attendees will have an understanding on how monolingual professionals can effectively evaluate an English Language Learner to determine dyslexia. 

~ Attendees will be able to immediately locate on the web free academic intervention resources to address reading, writing, and math skills. 


Part-1 Training

April 12, 2022 from 3:00-4:30 PM

 In this presentation, we will offer and explore a guiding framework for approaching conflict. We will define the differences between issue, position, and interest, and delve into how to uncover the interest. We will also provide concrete tools for preparing for difficult IEPs, including tips for effective planning and visual tools.


Part-2 Training

April 14, 2022 from 3:00-4:30 PM

In this presentation, we will deconstruct what goes wrong in IEP meetings and share specific communication and listening skills to respond effectively to the unexpected.We will share real life scenario’s and how they were successfully maneuvered.

Self-Care & Wellness Strategies for Parents 

April 5, 2022 from 4 -5 PM 

 This webinar will cover:

~ How behavior science can help with self-care

~ Strategies for dealing with challenges

~ Question & Answer

Disclaimer: The Tri-Valley SELPA does not guarantee the accuracy of any information contained in these flyers nor does it endorse any of the activities, events, services, products or agencies represented therein.