The Tri-Valley Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) is a regional office that assures the provision of special education and related services to students with disabilities ages 0-22 residing in east Alameda County. Our work is guided by our Local Plan.
Who Makes Up the Tri-Valley SELPA?
Our SELPA is comprised of Sunol Glen Unified SD, Pleasanton Unified SD, Dublin Unified SD, Livermore Valley Joint Unified SD, Mountain House Elementary SD, and Alameda County Schools, the programmatic arm of the Alameda County Office of Education. Districts in our SELPA serve approximately 42,400 students, of whom 4,500 are students with disabilities requiring special education. The services provided at each district are identified in the annual Service Plan.
What are the SELPA’s Primary Functions?
- Work with member districts to develop a Local Plan, a fiscal Allocation Plan, and annual Budget and Service Plans
- Assure that special education funds are distributed to member districts in accordance with our Allocation Plan
- Provide student data to the state through the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS)
- Complete state-mandated reports on various special education personnel, program, and fiscal matters
- Provide technical support to member school districts
- Assist the districts to remain compliant with all federal and state special education laws and codes
- Assist the districts in their Childfind efforts to identify students with disabilities ages 0-22 who may require special education, including those who attend private schools within the districts’ boundaries
- Provide regionalized professional development
- Provide services to infants with low incidence disabilities ages 0-2
- Provide clinical counseling services to students with disabilities who are eligible for Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS)
- Host a Community Advisory Committee to provide input on special education issues to the SELPA and member districts
- Support small districts to locate and provide special education services
- Serve as liaison between districts and the state in matters pertaining to special education