Mom walking with kid at school

Tri-Valley SELPA Clinical Services Department


The Tri-Valley SELPA is comprised of Dublin Unified School District, Livermore Joint Unified School District, Pleasanton Unified School District, Mountain House School District and Sunol School District and Alameda County Office of Education. The Tri-Valley SELPA Clinical Services (TVCS) department works with Special Education Directors and staff in the Tri-Valley to support the mental health needs of students.

TVCS supports the mental health needs of special education students that are eligible for Educationally Related Intensive Counseling Services Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) as a related service. The following link provides additional information regarding mental health services provided to special education students in California schools

To be eligible for Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) a mental health assessment is conducted to determine if social-emotional factors negatively impact the student’s ability to access their Special Education Services. Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) is a related service provided as an outpatient (pull out) service or in the context of the Counseling Enriched Classes.

Overview of Programs & Services

Tri-Valley Clinical Services department is responsible for facilitating the referral, assessment and implementation of Educationally Related Intensive Counseling Services for Special Education students. Referral packets from participating districts requesting an assessment are submitted to TVCS. An assessment is completed and reviewed at an IEP team meeting to determine eligibility. Special education offers of FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education) including related services are made by the district of residence (DOR). Students may receive ERMHS as an ‘Outpatient’ pull-out or as part of the services embedded in the Counseling Enriched Classes. ERMHS can include individual, group, and parent counseling.

Outpatient: Special education students who receive ERMHS on an outpatient basis on the school site are scheduled for counseling during a period of the school day.

Counseling Enriched Classes: Special education students who attend Counseling Enriched Classes receive ERMHS as part of the program. This counseling could include individual and group counseling. Parent counseling is often provided to assist parents in understanding and supporting their children in order to access their special education services.

Providers: Educationally Related Intensive Counseling Services are provided by Tri-Valley Clinical Services mental health clinicians.